Anterior Temporal Lobectomy - A neurosurgical procedure that removes the anterior TEMPORAL LOBE including the medial temporal structures of CEREBRAL CORTEX, AMYGDALA, HIPPOCAMPUS and the adjacent PARAHIPPOCAMPAL GYRUS. This procedure is generally used for the treatment of intractable temporal epilepsy (EPILEPSY, TEMPORAL LOBE). |
Brain Tissue Transplantation - Transference of brain tissue, either from a fetus or from a born individual, between individuals of the same species or between individuals of different species. |
Cerebral Decortication - Partial or total removal, ablation, or destruction of the cerebral cortex; may be chemical. It is not used with animals that do not possess a cortex, i.e., it is used only with mammals. |
Craniotomy - Any operation on the cranium or incision into the cranium. (Dorland, 28th ed) |
Denervation - The resection or removal of the nerve to an organ or part. (Dorland, 28th ed) |
Laminectomy - Excision of the posterior arch of a vertebra. (Dorland, 28th ed) |
Nerve Transfer - Surgical reinnervation of a denervated peripheral target using a healthy donor nerve and/or its proximal stump. The direct connection is usually made to a healthy postlesional distal portion of a non-functioning nerve or implanted directly into denervated muscle or insensitive skin. Nerve sprouts will grow from the transferred nerve into the denervated elements and establish contact between them and the neurons that formerly controlled another area. |
Psychosurgery - Treatment of chronic, severe and intractable psychiatric disorders by surgical removal or interruption of certain areas or pathways in the brain, especially in the prefrontal lobes. |
Stereotaxic Techniques - Techniques during brain surgery that use a system of three-dimensional coordinates to locate the site to be operated on. (From Dorland, 28th ed) |
Trephining - The removal of a circular disk of the cranium. It is performed with a trephine, a small circular saw with a center pin mounted on a hollow metal shaft to which is attached a transverse handle. (Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed) |