Canadian Medical Guide > Organisms > Viruses > RNA Viruses > Retroviridae Terms and Definitions


Medical Definition: Family of RNA viruses that infects birds and mammals and encodes the enzyme reverse transcriptase. The family contains seven genera: DELTARETROVIRUS; LENTIVIRUS; RETROVIRUSES TYPE B, MAMMALIAN; ALPHARETROVIRUS; GAMMARETROVIRUS; RETROVIRUSES TYPE D; and SPUMAVIRUS. A key feature of retrovirus biology is the synthesis of a DNA copy of the genome which is integrated into cellular DNA. After integration it is sometimes not expressed but maintained in a latent state (PROVIRUSES).
Guide Notes: infection = RETROVIRIDAE INFECTIONS; if discussed as tumor viruses, add TUMOR VIRUS INFECTIONS (IM); antiretroviral agents is likely to be ANTI-HIV AGENTS, otherwise index under ANTIVIRAL AGENTS
Also Called: Leukemogenic Viruses,Oncornaviruses,Type C Oncoviruses
Retroviridae Categories.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Alpharetrovirus - A genus of the family RETROVIRIDAE with type C morphology, that causes malignant and other diseases in wild birds and domestic fowl.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Betaretrovirus - A genus of the family RETROVIRIDAE consisting of viruses with either type B or type D morphology. This includes a few exogenous, vertically transmitted and endogenous viruses of mice (type B) and some primate and sheep viruses (type D). MAMMARY TUMOR VIRUS, MOUSE is the type species.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Deltaretrovirus - A genus in the family RETROVIRIDAE consisting of exogenous horizontally-transmitted viruses found in a few groups of mammals. Infections caused by these viruses include human B (LEUKEMIA, B-CELL) or adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (LEUKEMIA-LYMPHOMA, T-CELL, ACUTE, HTLV-1-ASSOCIATED), and bovine leukemia (ENZOOTIC BOVINE LEUKOSIS). The type species is LEUKEMIA VIRUS, BOVINE.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Endogenous Retroviruses - Retroviruses that have integrated into the germline (PROVIRUSES) that have lost infectious capability but retained the capability to transpose.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Epsilonretrovirus - A genus in the family RETROVIRIDAE infecting fish. Species include Walleye dermal sarcoma virus, Walleye epidermal hyperplasia virus 1, and Walleye epidermal hyperplasia virus 2.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Gammaretrovirus - A genus of RETROVIRIDAE comprising endogenous sequences in mammals, related RETICULOENDOTHELIOSIS VIRUSES, AVIAN, and a reptilian virus. Many species contain oncogenes and cause leukemias and sarcomas.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Lentivirus - A genus of the family RETROVIRIDAE consisting of non-oncogenic retroviruses that produce multi-organ diseases characterized by long incubation periods and persistent infection. Lentiviruses are unique in that they contain open reading frames (ORFs) between the pol and env genes and in the 3' env region. Five serogroups are recognized, reflecting the mammalian hosts with which they are associated. HIV-1 is the type species.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Retroviruses, Simian - Classes of retroviruses for which monkeys or apes are hosts. Those isolated from the West African green monkey and the Asian rhesus macaque monkey are of particular interest because of their similarities to viruses causing cancer and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Spumavirus - Genus of non-oncogenic retroviruses which establish persistent infections in many animal species but are considered non-pathogenic. Its organisms have been isolated from primates (including humans), cattle, cats, hamsters, and sea lions. Spumaviruses have a foamy or lace-like appearance and are often accompanied by syncytium formation. Chimpanzee foamy virus is the type species.

Retroviridae Medical Definitions and Terms


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