Canadian Medical Guide > Chemicals and Drugs > Organic Chemicals > Azo Compounds Terms and Definitions

Azo Compounds

Medical Definition:
Guide Notes: do not confuse with AZA COMPOUNDS; DF: AZO CPDS
Azo Compounds Categories.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Amaranth Dye - A sulfonic acid-based naphthylazo dye used as a coloring agent for foodstuffs and medicines and as a dye and chemical indicator. It was banned by the FDA in 1976 for use in foods, drugs, and cosmetics. (From Merck Index, 11th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Amido Black - A dye used to stain proteins in electrophoretic techniques. It is used interchangeably with its acid form.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Arsenazo III - Metallochrome indicator that changes color when complexed to the calcium ion under physiological conditions. It is used to measure local calcium ion concentrations in vivo.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Azoxymethane - A potent carcinogen and neurotoxic compound. It is particularly effective in inducing colon carcinomas.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Diamide - A sulfhydryl reagent which oxidizes sulfhydryl groups to the disulfide form. It is a radiation-sensitizing agent of anoxic bacterial and mammalian cells.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Diazonium Compounds
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Diazooxonorleucine - An amino acid that inhibits phosphate-activated glutaminase and interferes with glutamine metabolism. It is an antineoplastic antibiotic produced by an unidentified species of Streptomyces from Peruvian soil. (From Merck Index, 11th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Dithizone - Chelating agent used for heavy metal poisoning and assay. It causes diabetes.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Evans Blue - An azo dye used in blood volume and cardiac output measurement by the dye dilution method. It is very soluble, strongly bound to plasma albumin, and disappears very slowly.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Formazans - Colored azo compounds formed by the reduction of tetrazolium salts. Employing this reaction, oxidoreductase activity can be determined quantitatively in tissue sections by allowing the enzymes to act on their specific substrates in the presence of tetrazolium salts.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition o-Aminoazotoluene - An azo dye with carcinogenic properties.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition p-Aminoazobenzene - Used in the form of its salts as a dye and as an intermediate in manufacture of Acid Yellow, diazo dyes, and indulines.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition p-Azobenzenearsonate - A hapten capable of eliciting both antibody formation and delayed hypersensitivity when bound to aromatic amino acids, polypeptides or proteins. It is used as an immunologic research tool.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Tartrazine - An anionic, hydrophilic azo dye with an orange-yellow color used in fabrics, foods and cosmetics, and as a biological stain.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Trypan Blue - An azo that that is used in protozoal infections.

Azo Compounds Medical Definitions and Terms


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