Canadian Medical Guide > Organisms > Animals > Invertebrates > Protozoa Terms and Definitions


Medical Definition: A subkingdom consisting of unicellular organisms that are the simplest in the animal kingdom. Most are free living. They range in size from submicroscopic to macroscopic. Protozoa are divided into seven phyla: SARCOMASTIGOPHORA; Labyrinthomorpha, APICOMPLEXA; MICROSPORA; Ascetospora, Myxozoa, and CILIOPHORA.
Guide Notes: GEN; avoid: prefer specifics; infection = PROTOZOAN INFECTIONS; /drug eff: consider also ANTIPROTOZOAL AGENTS; for antigens, coord with ANTIGENS, PROTOZOAN, for antibodies, coord with ANTIBODIES, PROTOZOAN
Protozoa Categories.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Apicomplexa - A phylum of protozoa characterized by the presence of complex apical organelles generally consisting of a conoid that aids in penetrating host cells, rhoptries that possibly secrete a proteolytic enzyme, and subpellicular microtubules that may be related to motility.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Blood-Borne Pathogens - Infectious organisms in the BLOOD, of which the predominant medical interest is their contamination of blood-soiled linens, towels, gowns, BANDAGES, other items from individuals in risk categories, NEEDLES and other sharp objects, MEDICAL WASTE and DENTAL WASTE, all of which health workers are exposed to. This concept is differentiated from the clinical conditions of BACTEREMIA; VIREMIA; and FUNGEMIA where the organism is present in the blood of a patient as the result of a natural infectious process.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Ciliophora - A phylum of protozoa characterized by the presence of cilia at some time during the life cycle. It comprises three classes: KINETOFRAGMINOPHOREA; OLIGOHYMENOPHOREA; and POLYMENOPHOREA.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Haplosporida - A phylum of protozoans in the alveloate clade (some authorities prefer to call it an order). They are small endoparasites of marine invertebrates. Spores are structurally complex but without polar filaments or tubes.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Microspora - A phylum of protozoa comprising minute intracellular parasites with spores of unicellular origin. It has two classes: Rudimicrosporea and MICROSPOREA.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Myxomycetes - A division of organisms that exist vegetatively as complex mobile plasmodia, reproduce by means of spores, and have complex life cycles. They are now classed as protozoa but formerly were considered fungi.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Phytoplankton - Free-floating minute organisms that are photosynthetic. The term is non-taxonomic and refers to a lifestyle (energy utilization and motility), rather than a particular type of organism. Most, but not all, are unicellular ALGAE. Important groups include DIATOMS, DINOFLAGELLATES, CYANOBACTERIA, CHLOROPHYTA, coccolithophorids, cryptomonads, and silicoflagellates.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Sarcomastigophora - A phylum of protozoa with a single-type nucleus and locomotion by flagella, pseudopodia, or both types of locomotor organelles. It comprises the subphyla MASTIGOPHORA, Opalinata, and SARCODINA.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Spores - The reproductive elements of lower organisms, such as BACTERIA, PROTOZOA, FUNGI, and cryptogamic plants.

Protozoa Medical Definitions and Terms


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