Canadian Medical Guide > Diseases > Female Genital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications > Pregnancy Complications Terms and Definitions

Pregnancy Complications

Medical Definition: The co-occurrence of pregnancy and a disease. The disease may precede or follow conception and it may or may not have a deleterious effect on the pregnant woman or fetus.
Guide Notes: pregn in a dis or a dis in pregn; coord IM with dis (IM); /surg: consider also OBSTETRIC SURGICAL PROCEDURES; do not use for heterotopic pregn: see note at PREGNANCY, ECTOPIC; check tags FEMALE & PREGNANCY; Manual 18.4.7; DF: PREGN COMPL
Pregnancy Complications Categories.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Abortion, Spontaneous - Expulsion of the products of conception before the completion of gestation without deliberate interference.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Diabetes, Gestational - Either symptomatic diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance induced by pregnancy but resolved at the end of pregnancy. It does not include previously diagnosed diabetics who become pregnant (PREGNANCY IN DIABETICS).
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Fetal Death - Death of the developing young in utero.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Fetal Diseases
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Herpes Gestationis - An itching polymorphous bullous eruption which occurs in pregnancy or the puerperium and which recurs in successive pregnancies.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Hyperemesis Gravidarum - Intractable vomiting that develops in early pregnancy.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Labor Complications - Medical problems associated with LABOR, OBSTETRIC including cephalopelvic disproportion, hemorrhage, FETAL DISTRESS, or other disorders.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Labor, Premature - Onset of LABOR, OBSTETRIC before term but after the fetus has become viable, usually sometime during the 29th through 38th week of gestation.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Oligohydramnios - Presence of less than 300 ml of amniotic fluid at term. Principal causes include malformations of fetal urinary tracts, intra-uterine growth retardation, high maternal blood pressure, nicotine poisoning, and prolonged pregnancy.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Placenta Diseases
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Polyhydramnios - Excess of amniotic fluid greater than 2,000 ml. It is a common obstetrical complication whose major causes include maternal diabetes, chromosomal disorders, isoimmunological disease, congenital abnormalities, and multiple gestations.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular - The co-occurrence of pregnancy and a cardiovascular disease. The disease may precede or follow conception and it may or may not have a deleterious effect on the pregnant woman or fetus.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Pregnancy Complications, Hematologic - The co-occurrence of pregnancy and a blood disease. The hematologic disorder may be of the cells or coagulation elements of the blood but does not refer to deficiencies or excesses of various substances in the blood, such as hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia. It may precede or follow conception and it may or may not have a deleterious effect on the pregnant woman or fetus.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Pregnancy in Diabetics - Previously diagnosed diabetics that become pregnant. This does not include either symptomatic diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance induced by pregnancy but resolved at the end of pregnancy (DIABETES, GESTATIONAL).
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Pregnancy Toxemias - Pregnancy-induced hypertensive states, including EPH gestosis when edema and proteinuria accompany hypertension. Other hypertensive disorders that develop during pregnancy or the puerperium are pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, either of which may be superimposed upon chronic hypertensive vascular or renal disease.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Pregnancy, Ectopic - A potentially life-threatening condition in which the embryo implants outside the uterine endometrial cavity. Most ectopic pregnancies (>96%) occur in the fallopian tube (PREGNANCY, TUBAL), but they can be in the uterine cornua, cervix, ovary, and abdominal cavity (PREGNANCY, ABDOMINAL).
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Puerperal Disorders - Disorders or diseases associated with the six-to-eight-week period immediately following LABOR, OBSTETRIC and delivery.

Pregnancy Complications Medical Definitions and Terms


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