Canadian Medical Guide > Psychiatry and Psychology > Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms > Emotions Terms and Definitions


Medical Definition: Those affective states which can be experienced and have arousing and motivational properties.
Guide Notes: human & animal
Also Called: Feelings,Regret
Emotions Categories.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Affect - The feeling-tone accompaniment of an idea or mental representation. It is the most direct psychic derivative of instinct and the psychic representative of the various bodily changes by means of which instincts manifest themselves.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Anger - A strong emotional feeling of displeasure aroused by being interfered with, injured or threatened.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Anxiety - Persistent feeling of dread, apprehension, and impending disaster.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Bereavement - Refers to the whole process of grieving and mourning and is associated with a deep sense of loss and sadness.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Boredom - A psychological state resulting from any activity that lacks motivation, or from enforced continuance in an uninteresting situation.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Euphoria - An exaggerated feeling of physical and emotional well-being not consonant with apparent stimuli or events; usually of psychologic origin, but also seen in organic brain disease and toxic states.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Expressed Emotion - Frequency and quality of negative emotions, e.g., anger or hostility, expressed by family members or significant others, that often lead to a high relapse rate, especially in schizophrenic patients. (APA, Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, 7th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Fear - The affective response to an actual current external danger which subsides with the elimination of the threatening condition.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Frustration - The motivational and/or affective state resulting from being blocked, thwarted, disappointed or defeated.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Guilt - Subjective feeling of having committed an error, offense or sin; unpleasant feeling of self-criticism. These result from acts, impulses, or thoughts contrary to one's personal conscience.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Happiness - Highly pleasant emotion characterized by outward manifestations of gratification; joy.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Hate - An enduring attitude or sentiment toward persons or objects manifested by anger, aversion and desire for the misfortune of others.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Hostility - Tendency to feel anger toward and to seek to inflict harm upon a person or group.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Jealousy - An irrational reaction compounded of grief, loss of self-esteem, enmity against the rival and self criticism.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Loneliness - The state of feeling sad or dejected as a result of lack of companionship or being separated from others.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Love - Affection; in psychiatry commonly refers to pleasure, particularly as it applies to gratifying experiences between members of the opposite sex.

Emotions Medical Definitions and Terms


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