Canadian Medical Guide > Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment > Equipment and Supplies Terms and Definitions

Equipment and Supplies

Medical Definition: Expendable and nonexpendable equipment, supplies, apparatus, and instruments that are used in diagnostic, surgical, therapeutic, scientific, and experimental procedures.
Guide Notes: GEN only: prefer /instrum: Manual 19.7+, 19.8.40; when GEN & IM, Manual 26.24+; DF: EQUIPMENT
Also Called: Devices,Equipment,Inventories,Medical Devices,Supplies
Equipment and Supplies Categories.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Amplifiers - Electronic devices that increase the strength of an input signal, or apparatus for increasing the magnification of a microscope. (From Dorland, 28th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Atmosphere Exposure Chambers
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Bandages - Material used for wrapping or binding any part of the body.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Bioreactors - Tools or devices for generating products using the synthetic or chemical conversion capacity of a biological system. They can be classical fermentors, cell culture perfusion systems, or enzyme bioreactors. For production of proteins or enzymes, recombinant microorganisms such as bacteria, mammalian cells, or insect or plant cells are usually chosen.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Catheters, Indwelling - Catheters designed to be left within an organ or passage for an extended period of time.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Contraceptive Devices - Devices that diminish the likelihood of or prevent conception. (From Dorland, 28th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Diagnostic Equipment - Nonexpendable items used in examinination.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Disposable Equipment - Apparatus, devices, or supplies intended for one-time or temporary use.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Durable Medical Equipment - Devices which are very resistant to wear and may be used over a long period of time. They include items such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, artificial limbs, etc.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Electrodes - Mediums used between an electric conductor and the object to which the current is to be applied. In electrotherapy, electrodes are instruments with a point or surface from which to transmit electric current to the body of a patient or to another instrument; in electrodiagnosis, they are needles or metal plates used to stimulate or record the electrical activity of tissue. (From Dorland, 28th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Emergency Medical Tags
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Equipment and Supplies, Hospital - Any materials used in providing care specifically in the hospital.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition G Suits - Double-layered inflatable suits which, when inflated, exert pressure on the lower part of the wearer's body. The suits are used to improve or stabilize the circulatory state, i.e., to prevent hypotension, control hemorrhage, and regulate blood pressure. The suits are also used by pilots under positive acceleration.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Gamma Cameras - Electronic instruments that produce photographs or cathode-ray tube images of the gamma-ray emissions from organs containing radionuclide tracers.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Gas Scavengers - Apparatus for removing exhaled or leaked anesthetic gases or other volatile agents, thus reducing the exposure of operating room personnel to such agents, as well as preventing the buildup of potentially explosive mixtures in operating rooms or laboratories.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Gastric Balloon - An inflatable device implanted in the stomach as an adjunct to therapy of morbid obesity. Specific types include the silicone Garren-Edwards Gastric Bubble (GEGB), approved by the FDA in 1985, and the Ballobes Balloon.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Incubators - Insulated enclosures in which temperature, humidity, and other environmental conditions can be regulated at levels optimal for growth, hatching, reproduction, or metabolic reactions.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Infant Equipment - Equipment and furniture used by infants and babies in the home, car, and play area.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Infusion Pumps - Fluid propulsion systems driven mechanically, electrically, or osmotically that are used to inject (or infuse) over time agents into a patient or experimental animal; used routinely in hospitals to maintain a patent intravenous line, to administer antineoplastic agents and other drugs in thromboembolism, heart disease, diabetes mellitus (INSULIN INFUSION SYSTEMS is also available), and other disorders.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Lasers - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. This phenomenon is brought about using devices that transform light of varying frequencies into a single intense, nearly nondivergent beam of monochromatic radiation. Lasers operate in the visible, infrared, or ultraviolet regions of the spectrum. They are capable of producing immense heat and power when focused at close range and are used in surgical procedures, in diagnosis, and in physiologic studies. Lasers used at low power, transmitting light not heat, have been used in wound healing and pain control (LASER THERAPY, LOW-LEVEL).
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Lenses - Pieces of glass or other transparent materials used for magnification or increased visual acuity.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Medicine Chests - Boxes in which physicians kept their drugs and other medications, medical instruments and supplies, manuals, etc. As a carrying case or convenient storage receptable, or a kind of portable pharmacy, the medicine chest was indispensable to the itinerant physician. The chest was usually larger and sturdier than a doctor's kit or bag.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Microbubbles - Very small encapsulated gas bubbles (diameters of micometers) that can be used in diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Upon exposure to sufficiently intense ultrasound, microbubbles will cavitate, rupture, disappear, release gas content, etc. Such characteristics of the microbubbles can be used to enhance diagnostic tests, dissolve blood clots, and deliver drugs or genes for therapy.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Micropore Filters
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Microspheres - Small uniformly-sized spherical particles, of micrometer dimensions, frequently labeled with radioisotopes or various reagents acting as tags or markers.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Nebulizers and Vaporizers - Devices that cause a liquid or solid to be converted into an aerosol (spray) or a vapor. It is used in drug administration by inhalation, humidification of ambient air, and in certain analytical instruments.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Needles - Sharp instruments used for puncturing or suturing.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Oxygenators - Devices which mechanically oxygenate venous blood extracorporeally. They are used in combination with one or more pumps for maintaining circulation during open heart surgery and for assisting the circulation in patients seriously ill with some cardiac and pulmonary disorders. (UMDNS, 1999)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Phantoms, Imaging - Devices or objects in various imaging techniques used to visualize or enhance visualization by simulating conditions encountered in the procedure. Phantoms are used very often in procedures employing or measuring x-irradiation or radioactive material to evaluate performance. Phantoms often have properties similar to human tissue. Water demonstrates absorbing properties similar to normal tissue, hence water-filled phantoms are used to map radiation levels. Phantoms are used also as teaching aids to simulate real conditions with x-ray or ultrasonic machines. (From Iturralde, Dictionary and Handbook of Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Imaging, 1990)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Power Sources - Devices that supply energy.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Prostheses and Implants - Artificial substitutes for body parts, and materials inserted into tissue for functional, cosmetic, or therapeutic purposes. Prostheses can be functional, as in the case of artificial arms and legs, or cosmetic, as in the case of an artificial eye. Implants, all surgically inserted or grafted into the body, tend to be used therapeutically. IMPLANTS, EXPERIMENTAL is available for those used experimentally.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Protective Devices - Devices designed to provide personal protection against injury to individuals exposed to hazards in industry, sports, aviation, or daily activities.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Self-Help Devices - Devices, not affixed to the body, designed to help persons having musculoskeletal or neuromuscular disabilities to perform activities involving movement.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Sensory Aids
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Surgical Equipment - Nonexpendable apparatus used during surgical procedures. They are differentiated from SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, usually hand-held and used in the immediate operative field.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Syringes - Instruments used for injecting or withdrawing fluids. (Stedman, 25th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Thermometers - Measuring instruments for determining the temperature of matter. Most thermometers used in the field of medicine are designed for measuring body temperature or for use in the clinical laboratory. (From UMDNS, 1999)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Tomography Scanners, X-Ray Computed - X-ray image-detecting devices that make a focused image of body structures lying in a predetermined plane from which more complex images are computed.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Tourniquets - Devices for the compression of a blood vessel by application around an extremity to control the circulation and prevent the flow of blood to or from the distal area. (From Dorland, 28th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Transducers - Any device or element which converts an input signal into an output signal of a different form. Examples include the microphone, phonographic pickup, loudspeaker, barometer, photelectric cell, automobile horn, doorbell, and underwater soundtransducer. (MacGraw Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Transplants - Organs, tissues, or cells taken from the body for grafting into another area of the same body or into another individual. (From Dorland, 28th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Ventilators, Mechanical - Mechanical devices used to produce or assist pulmonary ventilation.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition X-Ray Film - A film base coated with an emulsion designed for use with x-rays.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition X-Ray Intensifying Screens - Screens which absorb the energy in the x-ray beam that has penetrated the patient and convert this energy into a light pattern which has as nearly as possible the same information as the original x-ray beam. The more light a screen produces for a given input of x-radiation, the less x-ray exposure and thus shorter exposure time are needed to expose the film. In most film-screen systems, the film is sandwiched between two screens in a cassette so that the emulsion on each side is exposed to the light from its contiguous screen.

Equipment and Supplies Medical Definitions and Terms


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