Canadian Medical Guide > Biological Sciences > Reproductive and Urinary Physiology > Reproduction Terms and Definitions


Medical Definition: The total process by which organisms produce offspring. (Stedman, 25th ed)
Guide Notes: IM for human, other mammals, birds & fish; NIM for other vertebrates, invertebrates & plants; REPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOR is also available
Also Called: Human Reproductive Indexes,Reproductive Period
Reproduction Categories.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Climacteric - Physiologic period, characterized by endocrine, somatic, and psychic changes with the termination of ovarian function in the female. It may also accompany the normal diminution of sexual activity in the male.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Embryo and Fetal Development - Morphologic and physiologic development and growth of the mammalian EMBRYO or FETUS.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Embryo Implantation - Endometrial implantation of EMBRYO at the BLASTOCYST stage.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Estrous Cycle - The period of cyclic physiological and behavior changes in non-primate female mammals that exhibit ESTRUS. The estrous cycle generally consists of 4 or 5 distinct periods corresponding to the endocrine status (PROESTRUS, ESTRUS, METESTRUS, DIESTRUS, and ANESTRUS).
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Fertility - The capacity to conceive or to induce conception. It may refer to either the male or female.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Fertilization - The fusion of a spermatozoon (SPERMATOZOA) with an OVUM thus resulting in the formation of a ZYGOTE.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Insemination
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Maternal Age
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Menstrual Cycle - The period from onset of one menstrual bleeding (MENSTRUATION) to the next in an ovulating woman or female primate. The menstrual cycle is regulated by endocrine interactions of the HYPOTHALAMUS, the PITUITARY, the ovaries, and the genital tract. The menstrual cycle is divided by OVULATION into two phases. Based on the endocrine status of the OVARY, there is a FOLLICULAR PHASE and a LUTEAL PHASE. Based on the response in the ENDOMETRIUM, the menstrual cycle is divided into a proliferative and a secretory phase.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Oviposition
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Parthenogenesis
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Paternal Age - Age of the father.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Placentation - Development of a site of fetomaternal union for physiologic exchange, a placenta or placenta-like organ.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Pregnancy - The condition of having a developing embryo or fetus in the body, after union of an ovum and spermatozoon. (Dorland, 27th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Pregnancy Trimesters - The three periods of three months each in the normal pregnancy.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Pregnancy, Animal
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Pregnancy, Multiple - The condition of bearing two or more fetuses simultaneously. (Stedman, 25th ed)
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Pregnancy, Unwanted - Pregnancy, usually accidental or unplanned, that is not desired by the parent or parents.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects - Delayed effects on offspring of maternal or fetal prenatal exposure to drugs, radiation and other physical agents, manipulation, nutrition, stress, etc.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Pseudopregnancy - An acyclic state that resembles PREGNANCY in that there is no ovarian cycle, ESTROUS CYCLE, or MENSTRUAL CYCLE. Unlike pregnancy, there is no EMBRYO IMPLANTATION. Pseudopregnancy can be experimentally induced to form DECIDUOMA in the UTERUS.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Puberty
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Puerperium - Period from delivery of the placenta until return of the reproductive organs to their normal nonpregnant morphologic state. In humans, the puerperium generally lasts for six to eight weeks.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Sex - The totality of characteristics of reproductive structure, functions, PHENOTYPE, and GENOTYPE, differentiating the MALE from the FEMALE organism.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Sex Characteristics - Those characteristics that distinguish one SEX from the other. The primary sex characteristics are the OVARIES and TESTES and their related hormones. Secondary sex characteristics are those which are masculine or feminine but not directly related to reproduction.
Canadian Medical Guide Definition Sex Reversal, Gonadal - Complete or partial change from one sex to another with regard to gonadal development. Gonadal sex reversal may occur naturally or be induced by factors such as steroids, temperature, and autosomal abnormalities during the critical period of gonadal differentiation (SEX DIFFERENTIATION) in some species.

Reproduction Medical Definitions and Terms


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